Mr Warwick John Woodall

Charity details

The English Heritage Trust

English Heritage cares for over 400 historic buildings, monuments and sites - from world-famous prehistoric sites to grand medieval castles, from Roman forts on the edges of the empire to a Cold War bunker. 

Registered Number 1140351

Messages of condolence

Warwick has been a kind and helpful neighbour to us for over 30 years. Seeing him every few days for a chat or just a wave across the High Street will be sadly missed. He was also, always willing to give advice, guidance and help on anything to do with his craft and its materials and tools. He has sensitively repaired many of the features in our Georgian House and designed and made much of our furniture in keeping with the age and style of the building. From the uniquely constructed drive gates, front garden planter, front door repairs to taking a book from one of his Georgian style units, cooking in our Oak and Elm designed kitchen and siting at our specially designed family refectory table and many other features we will have something to remember him. At one time he made and insisted on providing frames for paintings at my degree show. He has always shown interest in our wellbeing and been a very kind, inquiring and sensitive friend. Our sincere condolences to his family.

Mr & Mrs Roger and Veronica McNulty

Service details

Crematorium Chapel

03 April, 2024 14:00

Parndon Wood Crematorium

Parndon Wood Road, Harlow, CM19 4SF